Christmas Morning Fun

Gracie, Garren and I got a late start to Christmas morning thanks to an anxious and stuffy toddler (read below), but Santa's surprise still went off without a hitch.

Gracie woke up in bed with us chipper and raring to go. I got the camera and headed in to the living room. Though she was excited last night, she had forgotten all about Santa coming this morning.

As I predicted she headed straight for the Happy Feet stuffed Mumble. She gave him lots of hugs and kisses before moving on to the other surprises under the tree. Santa brought a Little People train, tons of Playdough, puzzles, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse CD, lots of books, a Dora backpack full of Games, Dora ABC Game, Little People game, Backyardigans pirate ship for the tub, a View Master and slides for it, plus a drum full of musical instruments! Gracie had so much fun opening and playing with the gifts. At this hour her favorite things are the Little People Grocery store that Mamaw & Papaw sent, the drum, Mumble and of course the Playdough.

As I type she is moving from one toy the next while watching videos Grandma and Grandpa sent for Christmas. I took tons of pictures and videos that I want to share. To see the pictures click here and look in the Christmas 2006 folder, the videos are below.

We hope all of you are having a very Merry Christmas, and we thank all of you who sent Gracie such wonderful gifts! Candice and Elliott (who had already spoiled her at Thanksgiving) sent her books and a reindeer purse, Mamaw & Papaw sent the Little People set and 2 new shirts, Aunt Sharon sent the cutest corduroy dress and our neighbors gave Gracie a purse and a Strawberry Shortcake lava night light. Aunt Heather sent a gift card which we got Saturday, so we will take Gracie to pick something out sometime this week. She is such a blessed and loved baby and we are all so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Christmas Morning--Drums & Puzzle
Christmas Morning--Playdough
Christmas Morning--Little People
Christmas Morning--Videos from Grandma

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