I Forgot

Tonight I suddenly remembered why it was that Garren and I don't go out to dinner at a some-what nice restaurant, and I have Gracie to thank for that.

Now, in our childless days Garren and I loved a good meal. We would eat out at all sorts of restaurants. We would wait in line, order appetizers and enjoy each others company for hours as we ate steak dinners.

Since Gracie came in to the picture, we went from two incomes to one, so that's why we rarely eat out any place that doesn't have a drive thru window. But from the last time to our latest urge to taste well seasoned food, I must get amnesia and completely forget what a horrible idea it is for the 3 of us to go out to dinner.

Tonight we treated ourselves for Christmas and went to the newly opened Applebee's. (Yes folks, this is exciting for us, sad, I know) Anyway, being 2 days before Christmas we expected a wait. It was 45 minutes to be exact. Gracie did fairly well for the first...uh...10 minutes. I occupied her with snacks from the diaper bag and crayons and coloring pages. Finally, it was our turn to eat. We ordered, and waited while Gracie became unbearably restless.

I won't bore you with all the details, but I will say that Garren and I ate in shifts, Gracie didn't eat what she ordered, and we definitely didn't enjoy each other's company. Don't get me wrong, we adore Gracie, but I guess you just lose some privileges when you become parents. Eating out is more of a necessity of hunger and time than it is of conversation and quality time.

So, I guess until Gracie is 15 and no longer wants to eat out with us, we will refrain from wasting money on food we can barely taste as we try to hurry and get a toddler out of said restaurant...that is until we forget all about this time when we see those Outback commercials.

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1 Response to "I Forgot"

  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Ha, ha, ha, 15?...he, he, he,....
    Yes, I'm sure Mamaw and Papaw got a good laugh at this one too! Let's see.... I remember things such as: "they don't have any thing I like", "do we have to eat here?", "guurose", "I hope my friends don't see me", "can we leave now?" ...yes, the good ol'days.


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