Gracie Catches On Quickly

Grandma sent back some packages of lacing beads when we visited her last week. I thought since we had played every game in the cabinet, I would pull out something new to try. I showed Gracie how to put the lace through the hold in the top of the colorful plastic teddy bear bead, and how to pull the string through. It only took 2 examples before she was ready to try her self.
She was so cute as she concentrated hard on getting the string to line up and then pulling it through. She was so proud each time she added a bear to the string.
When she had added all the bears to the string she just had to show off her handy work. Then, of course she wanted me to tie it so she could wear it as a necklace.
I was so proud I had to share this new skill with all of you. She sure does catch on to things quickly. Just yesterday I pulled out the Mickey Mouse Bingo game that I picked up from the thrift store (for $1!) and she figured out how to play that half way through the first game!! I am so proud!

PS: You guys likely get very confused looks on your faces sometimes when you see the T-shirts Gracie wears. We would like to thank Mariah for this hand me down and many more. Gracie wears these t-shirts to bed and to play since they are older and can get dirty and worn. I really don't plan to make Gracie into a future black belt ;)!
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