Snow Walk

Gracie and I had the best time this morning. She was very antsy, as she usually is the day after we get back from any trip. (She doesn't handle change well, wonder who she gets that from ;)
Anyway, I thought why not take her for a walk. So, I bundled her up and grabbed a blanket and drove her Queen Street. One thing this small town is blessed with is a very quaint and pretty "main street." Gracie and I have taken many walks along these streets in the summer and early fall, so she was more than ready to go again.
It had been snowing (barely flurries) this morning for quite a while, but I figured if it got worse we could get back in the car and go home. The weather stayed the same and we enjoyed an hour trek through the pretty neighborhoods and main street. The air was fresh and we were plenty warm underneath all our bundlings.
Since I had brought the camera along, I thought what a cute idea to document our walk. Gracie helped pick out the things to take pictures of and found this to be a very fun game.
At the end of our walk we stopped in at the kids thrift store and found a few books, an adorable dress, and we warmed our cheeks for a few minutes. When we got home Gracie was much calmer and she had a snack of warm raisin bread and shared my hot chocolate.
The pictures turned out very nice, and I thought we would share our wintry walk this morning. Maybe we will do it again tomorrow!

**Pictures; (Top-Left) First Bank, (Top-Center) Waterspout that Gracie called a waterfall, (Top-Right) Silly Face on sign, had to share. Bottom: American Flag in old tool store, Presbyterian Church that looks like a castle, puppy in front of his home, BBQ sign too bad they are tearing the place down!, bicycle hanging from pole in front of bike shop, store front with snowman display.**
ReplyDeleteThat was such a pretty dog you saw today on your walk! It looks like you had fun.