Snowed In...Sort Of

Well we didn't get any snow today here in Lynchburg, but we got plenty of ice and sleet. The roads are covered tonight and Gracie wasn't able to go out and play in it, but I posted a picture of the beautiful "wintery mix" we did get.

I heard from Garren that we got 3 inches of snow in Strasburg. I am sure he is loving it, as snow is definitely one of his most favorite things. I know it was quite disappointing for Garren to have to give up a snow day with Gracie, but he is such a loving and caring father that our safety is far more important.

Garren is so unselfish to share his girls, and we don't properly thank him. Family means so much to the two of us, and it is important that Gracie be instilled with that same value. We get to love our toddler in person everyday, but grandparents and friends aren't so lucky. Though we live so far from nearly everyone we know, we have the ability to share Gracie. Being a stay at home mom provides a great advantage for her to not only get to know the family, but to be able to visit those she has come to love. Garren and I are so thankful to have such caring people in our lives, and I feel ultimately blessed to have a husband who understands that strengthening family bonds, justifies the few days a year that he misses out on seeing her. And, I know that Grandma and Grandpa are very thankful for that as well.

Gracie and I are planning to return to Strasburg tomorrow, but it all depends on the weather. The ice here is pretty thick and they have cancelled schools here for Monday. Gracie's safety is top priority, so we will only travel if we feel it is safe enough to do so--so, no need to worry!

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1 Response to "Snowed In...Sort Of"

  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Thanks again for all of your help. We really do appreciate you and Gracie coming. It really does mean a lot to us. Of course, I really enjoy the playtime and sleep I get when you are here. Many thanks again to you and Garren for sharing Gracie with us. We are so thankful we get to spend time with you guys and Gracie. Love to you all.


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