List Of Love

It is so important to teach our children about love and caring. Valentine's Day is such a neat opportunity to do just that. If you look closely at Gracie's list you will see non-people, but I think at this age its okay to "love" things and stuffies. She is showing a remarkable ability to care and show affection and I am not going to crush that by limiting what she can label as "loved."
I am quite proud of my design and I think it came out so cute. Gracie had fun helping me put the poster together, and then thinking of all the things she cared about. Some of the things on the list she blurted out (Grandpa, Lucie, Lambie, Clifford, etc), other she jumped in agreement when I mentioned them (Angelina, Ice cream, playdough). The more we talked about the people and things she loved, the more ideas she had.
There is still plenty of space to be filled, and I look forward to adding on as the month goes on!
(You can click on the picture to see it larger)
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