Potty Update

Things are still going well on the "business end" around here. :)
Gracie continues to use the potty on a regular basis and the "accidents" are fewer and fewer. She still wears a diaper at nap time and bedtime of course, but I am sure it won't be long until we can cut out the nap time one. From what I understand the bedtime diaper will remain for quite a while.
I was worried that trying to deal with potty training and a 9 month old at the same time would be more than I can handle--but, it seems to be going very smoothly. I guess that's my reward for all the mess, money and frustration of trying to train her on and off since 18 months!
While it doesn't seem to be too difficult as Gracie heads to the bathroom quickly and only needs a little help getting the undies off; Emma is not as happy with the breaks in the fun. The picture above is of Emma waiting patiently (for a few moments anyway) for Gracie to get out of the bathroom and play. A few moments later I snapped another picture when Emma pushed the door open unwilling to wait any longer!
I have decided to give Gracie a "potty party" next weekend. I have invited the neighbor's over and Grandma and Grandpa may come in with Mariah--so it made for a good time to celebrate. I will make her cupcakes, and the idea is to give her gifts of big girl underwear and make a big deal out of this new stage in her life. Family and friends are welcome to send cards and/or underwear if you would like. You will likely have to make a card or get a blank one, since I am sure Hallmark has over looked this kind of celebration. If you want to send underwear she wears a size 6. I will put these away for her and give them to her at the party. Don't feel obligated, but I don't want to leave family out just because they live in another state!
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