Gardening and Grandparents

I got some flowers and plants for my garden today!

I can't wait to get the area completely ready and have the girls start to plant. I think I have blogged before about the garden, but I got special permission from the landlord to dig one for the girls to learn and watch things grow. The area we are using is extremely rocky and hard; it is taking a lot of hard work to clear it--but I am having the time of my life!

Garren worked out there for several hours this afternoon with better tools (thanks to Dad!), while Grandma and Gracie and I went to Winchester. Mom and Dad came in very briefly today so Dad could visit Grandma Anna for her birthday.

Mom wanted to celebrate Gracie's potty success, so she bought her 3 packages of big girl pants. Gracie picked out Cinderella, Princesses, and Dora of course. I was amazed at how many characters you can find for your child to sport around on their tooshy!

Mom was also quite generous, and bought me a strawberry plant and a set of marigolds for the garden.

By the time we got back there was just enough time to have dinner before Grandma and Grandpa had to head home. Hopefully they will come back soon so we can play more!

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