Just An Update

I know I am behind in my blogging--I can't imagine why!

Gracie continues to flush...I mean flourish... at potty training and we are so proud. It hasn't been perfect, there have been a few accidents because she was playing and not thinking about getting to the potty; but nothing too bad. We plan to give her a potty party on Saturday. Grandma has sent her a package for her to open, and I got her some treats and the neighbors will come over and we will have a cupcake celebration. If you want to send a little note to her in the comment section, I will paste in to a word document and print it out like a card. I am sure she would love to get some more congratulations.

As for me, I am finally getting over the cold I caught from Gracie, who got it from Emma. I can't wait to plant some more in my garden. I bought tomato plants (Thanks Elliott!!!), and pepper plants at Walmart last night and got the rest of the seeds I need. It really looks like this project is going to be a huge success and I am so proud.

On the learning end of things, this Clifford CDRom game that Grandma bought Gracie last month is amazing. Gracie proves every time we play to remember the sounds that certain letters make, and she is starting to recognize words. I continue to do "school" with her as much as possible. I have stacks of workbooks I have found here and there, I make copies of worksheets and we do it together. She thinks this is the neatest thing ever. She knows the difference between "big and little", she can find objects "in the middle," and we are working on "top and bottom."

Garren has been busy at work and helping me in the garden. This weekend will be a fun family affair. We are taking Gracie to her very first circus and I am so excited. Plus, the Apple Blossom parade is Saturday (it's HUGE, over an hour long) and we are going for the first time. We have never really done much with Apple Blossom, but I love any chance for our family to spend quality time together...preferably out of this house!

So that about sums it up. I hope everything is well on your end of things.

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