Silly Momma

My husband got me to thinking the other day; I guess to other people I am just a ridiculous idiot who wastes far too much construction paper.

I was talking to him about Gracie's upcoming potty party, and he reminded me that not many people were going to get excited about a celebration over potty training. My face fell. I mean I know that I have some out-there ideas, and like all mothers I have a different way of raising mine, but now I was afraid Gracie was going to get laughed at.

How sad it is that hyper-creative woman like me is actually sneered at because she makes every moment extra special with her child. How sad it is that other moms practically run in the other direction because she lives every moment for her daughter. How sad is that she is punished with snide talk behind her back because she chose to stay at home and not miss a moment. And how desperately sad that she is made to feel embarrassed of her ideas, her construction paper decorations and her blog that shares it all.

Here's my thoughts on all of it:

My name is Barbara and I am a creative, silly mommy who loves her child more than words can express. I chose to stay at home and raise my child because she's an amazing gift and she will only be small for a very short time. I host tea parties and make multiple crafts just for the fun of it. I have probably spent more than $50 in construction paper since 2004. I make hair bows for my daughter and have made dresses in the past and hope to make more. I go way out on my child's birthday or any other special occasion. I am an over-the top kind of individual who loves to be creative, and has ideas pop in her head- literally all the time. I get giddy at finding thrift store bargains and I collect severely old fashioned dresses.

I have lost many friends because of the above statement and a great lot of the family roll their eyes or make comments about how attached I am to my daughter. I try everyday not to let that bother me. Gracie is so amazing and I can't help but brag about her and all the things she does. But, hey its my blog and I can do that. I am sorry if I make you feel inadequate or if you think I am a big loser. I am Gracie's mommy and it is my most important job to make her feel special. Ten, fifteen, twenty years from now there will be not a doubt in my daughters head about how loved she is and how special she remains.

...And so last night I presented my daughter with a construction paper cap, a printed diploma and a special gift for a potty party that I thought up. I invited the neighbors and decorated cupcakes with icing big girl underwear. I made a huge fuss, because every milestone counts to me, and if I didn't make a big fuss--no one would. After all, don't you wish someone threw you a party for graduating from diapers to underwear?!

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2 Responses to "Silly Momma"

  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Barbara,forget what these losers say about you. I'm sure that people talk about me because I love my pets! Yes, I do LOVE them! I even tell Lucie, Nellie, and Sassie that. If people didn't talk about people like me and you behind our backs, they'd have nothing else to do! They'd go crazy. So, we better keep up our crazy crap to keep them all occupied. Ha! I don't think I got a potty party because I kept shitting my pants mom said! The pee thing was easy for me according to her. Heck, I'm just glad I've got it mastered now.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Barbara, I think it is wonderful that you are enjoying your time with Gracie as a Mom! Please stop worrying about what others think and say. There are so many self-centered, jealous,immature,spoiled brats in this world today. I am so glad you are considerate of others. I hope you will continue to enjoy life with Gracie and others. You are right, life is too short. No one knows what may happen tomorrow. Have fun!


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