Cute Kitty

I got so many compliments on Gracie's kitty cat dress today. We have to thank Grandma for making it for her and bringing it when she visited this past weekend. My kitty hair bow accented it purrfectly. (I crack myself up)

Gracie had a good day at school. No tears. She bounded up to me when I walked in the classroom to pick her up. She told me all about her day. They made apple trees and did an apple toss game. They practiced their friend song. Goldfish were for snack, and the story was "Caring and Sharing," a Barney book.

She has such a good time at school. And, she shared her shells from the beach today. I took them Tuesday, but they ran out of time. You should have seen me in the beach gift shop counting out 21 of the same shell from a bin.

I snapped a picture of her dress and her smiley face thumb when we got back to the car. I am so proud of my little grasshopper!

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1 Response to "Cute Kitty"

  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Gracie, I'm glad you had fun at school today. You did a great job on your picture. I like your smiley face on your thumb. Way to go! Love you!


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