Tumble Tots

She was raring to go and looked adorable in her blue leotard and blue pony tail holder. But, her enthusiasm took a hit as we gathered in the middle of the gym for stretching. I was afraid that the next 45 minutes was not going to go well, as my daughter clung to my leg. I did everything I could to get her to do what the teacher and the other kids were doing, but she wasn't having it. (This is a parents-involved class, so I was with her every step and I joined in)
She perked up when it was time for the obstacle course. It took about 30 seconds for her to go from shy to bouncy. She walked across the low beam, forward rolled down the map, walked across the high beam, jumped on the trampolines and crawled through the rings before doing it 3 more times.
Next, it was on to the mats. The teacher showed the kids the bear crawl, and after each kid went 3-4 times, they started in on the crab walk. The bear crawl was a cinch for Gracie, but she cried with frustration when she couldn't get the crab walk.
The crying didn't last long as everyone gathered around for fun with the parachute. The kids loved this part. They wiggled the parachute and held it over their heads. Gracie grinned from ear to ear.
Tumble Tots was over as quickly as it began, and my little gymnast was not happy to go. She cried for the third time...this time because she didn't want to go home.

There was a lot of crying this session, but I have to keep in mind how sensitive she is, and that this was her first class. No one else cried at all, but not all of the other kids could follow directions or stay focused on what was going on. So, I feel secure about Gracie's level. Plus, school will help a great deal with her socialization at the gym.
We are looking forward to next week. Oh, and I took videos! You will have to see them. Click here for more pictures.
Gracie's Forward Roll
Gracie's Bear Crawl (very quick--5 sec)
Fun With The Parachute
Gracie, it looks like "Tumble Tots" was a lot of fun! You are very good at doing gymnastics.I'm glad you had such a good time. Let me know what you learn next Wednesday. Love you!