Following Directions

I am so proud and impressed with Gracie today. Well, I am always proud and impressed, but especially today because she proved she can follow written directions--by herself!

Gracie wanted to do this small craft kit that mom had given me a long time ago, and I was tired and was in one of those "whatever" moods. I opened the kit and laid it on the living room floor. There were four separate things you could make inside. She picked a monkey first and I pulled out all of the pieces and the directions. Then I told her, follow the directions (they were picture). The first one I watched her and talked about the steps. After that I left her on her own. 20 minutes later Gracie emerged from the living room super proud of all 4 of her crafts that she did following step by step instructions.

I have no idea at what age or stage they should be able to do this task, and I really don't care, I just feel like it is another stepping stone in her learning.

Didn't she do a good job on her fish?!

1 Response to "Following Directions"

  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Your fish is very cute Gracie!


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