More About First Day
Gracie had a thumbs up first day at preschool today. She told me they did the Pledge of Alleigence, sang the Happy Day song and Grasshopper Green is My Preschool.
They played a game with a beach ball where you roll it to someone and they tell you their name. Gracie said she rolled it to Emma.
Gracie is sitting at a new table this year. She seemed proud to be sitting at the yellow table next to Maddie. She couldn't remember who else is at that table besides Maddie and Madelyn. (Both girls are from last year's class as well).
She brought home a certificate from her first day at school, along with a calendar, and a not so exciting health warning form. I can't believe it is the first day of school and we are already getting one of those! Apparently a child was at the Open House with lice!!! It says it could take 2 weeks for her to get it...I will have to keep a close watch on her. Ah, the life of a preschool parent. Cross your fingers that she doesn't get it at all.
After school I took Gracie to McDonald's for a Happy Meal. We had a nice meal, and Emma and her mommy from school had lunch behind us.
When we got back home I had another surprise: cookies and milk. She devoured them and changed her clothes. I know it is a lot of not-so-healthy food and is very much unlike me, but today is a special day.
I have added new pictures to Gracie's "storybook" in the blog entry below, so be sure to scroll down and see more of her day.
YEA!!! happy first day of school!!! isnt it soooo much fun!!!!