She's Okay

When I picked Gracie up from school today she was as chatty and chipper as ever.

She and her school mates played "Hot Potato" today, and they worked more on the letter "H." Gracie told me she tried to show Ashton the right way to make an "H," but he still did it wrong. I know, I know...I am on it! I will start working on keeping her from being a know-it-all. Can't imagine where she might get that from.

They also talked about the weather today. Apparently the teachers asked what they liked to do on a rainy day. Gracie told her "wear my purple coat." I am pretty sure she was talking about her nice dress coat.

Snack today was crackers and tea. I am not sure if she actually got tea, but she knows what that is--so maybe. She said she spilled some tea and went to the bathroom and got a towel to clean it up. That's my big helper.

She has talked a little more about fire and being afraid of fire. But, I am letting her talk and I keep reassuring her.

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