Baby Updates
We are off to the hospital, and I promise that you will all get baby updates as soon as we can log on. While I won't be in much shape to blog, Garren is able to make and edit posts. We are pretty sure we will have wifi access at the hospital, but even if we don't, he has some sort of nifty technology that will enable him to go outside the hospital and use his cell phone to publish to the internet.
Speaking of cell phones, our antiquated hospital does not allow the use of them in the hospital--and they are very strict (as we found out in 2004). So, you can try and call me, but I won't be answering.
We are at Winchester Medical Center in Winchester, VA and we will be sure close family knows our room number when we get one. And sadly, the hospital has no real useful website or "virtual nursery" like other places, so don't even try and look for it--you will pull your hair out!
We will post pictures when we can, but I am very uptight (okay ridiculously control-freaked) about pictures of my children, so I won't be letting Garren put anything online without my approval--so you will have to let the meds wear off a little bit before you get to see our new baby ;) But hang in there--they will be on soon enough :)
Wish us luck...and a little prayer wouldn't hurt either!
Speaking of cell phones, our antiquated hospital does not allow the use of them in the hospital--and they are very strict (as we found out in 2004). So, you can try and call me, but I won't be answering.
We are at Winchester Medical Center in Winchester, VA and we will be sure close family knows our room number when we get one. And sadly, the hospital has no real useful website or "virtual nursery" like other places, so don't even try and look for it--you will pull your hair out!
We will post pictures when we can, but I am very uptight (okay ridiculously control-freaked) about pictures of my children, so I won't be letting Garren put anything online without my approval--so you will have to let the meds wear off a little bit before you get to see our new baby ;) But hang in there--they will be on soon enough :)
Wish us luck...and a little prayer wouldn't hurt either!
If anyone knows what they had please post and let us know, I am dying to find out!!! Thanks!