Grandma's Last Day

As you can imagine Gracie was less than thrilled when Grandpa returned today to pick up Grandma and take her back to Lynchburg.
Gracie knew that they would have to go home eventually, but there is a difference between knowing, and then saying the actual goodbyes.
When she realized that the day was over and they would have to load up, she broke out in to very loud cries. Grandma and Grandpa soothed her as much as possible, and before they left she had dried her eyes. That didn't last long though. After the door shut she began to tear up again. Daddy, Thomas and I took her into the bedroom and cuddled her and tried to make her feel better. After a long while she dried up and we went to the table for dinner (her favorite: roast and potatoes). I am thinking that the ice cream cake that she picked out for mommy's birthday also helped the sadness as well.
It has been a long week, and we are so glad that Grandma and Grandpa took the time to come and help with our new family. Just taking care of Gracie and making her feel special while we were in the hospital was the best medicine for Gracie and I that could ever be administered! There are so many things that the three of them did together, and many more that I am sure I will never know about ;)
Many, many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for coming to take care of Gracie, and to get to meet there newest grandbaby!
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