sNOw Day

Grandma & Grandpa got snow. Heather & Tyler got to play in the snow. So did Janet & her twins, and Bryson and his daddy....but not us!

We were supposed to get 3-6 inches as the "Mega Storm" headed up north, but apparently old man winter realized there is nothing to do in Strasburg. So, he skipped us over.

Gracie didn't have school today, and I am not sure if they canceled for fear of snow, or if they got more further in the county. But, when I was up for Thomas' 8 am feeding there was barely a dusting out there, and it was gone by 9:30.

So, we hung out here at home. It was a good thing since Gracie was ill this weekend. We are pretty sure it was from exhaustion, but she threw up Saturday evening and had a fever until Sunday morning. Needless to say, we didn't get to take Thomas to his first church service. We will try again next weekend.

And, the birthday countdown is on. Only 2 more days until my not so little girl turns 5!

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