What You've Missed
Well, another week, and another lack of updates. Good thing Grandma will be here Tuesday so she can get another "fix" of the babies in. We are very thankful that she is willing (ha, I say willing!) to come and help with the kids while Garren and I box up and move things over to the townhouse. So what haven't I blogged about this week? Hmmm..
1. I haven't called or emailed Candice in a week and that might be a new record! She needs to live closer!!
2. Thomas has screamed, and screamed, and cried and cried.
3. Gracie has pulled every toy in her room out
4. Gracie has made many, many Light Brite creations. I need to find more of those black papers to go in it. Anyone seen them anywhere?
5. We are almost out of milk
6. I started putting some stuff in boxes, but not much as I only seem to have one usable hand these days.
7. I finally got a shower yesterday
8. My 6 week appointment was Tuesday and things seem to be healing well (although I still have pain and apparently that is "normal." Easy for her to say, she doesn't have the pain!)
9. Garren got a sinus infection and has had massive headaches.
10. But before he got the headaches he took Gracie to the laundry mat and got our clothes caught up. Ever since my surgery he has taken over the laundry since I am not supposed to lift or do stairs. It has been very nice to be off laundry duty.
11. We watched Peter Pan for a Wednesday family movie night since we missed last Friday.
12. I haven't answered emails or posted pictures.
13. And, I still haven't talked to Candice!
14. I got maybe 6 hours of broken sleep each night.
15. Oh, and Thomas spit up down my shirt--he's got good aim!
And you thought our lives were exciting! ;)
1. I haven't called or emailed Candice in a week and that might be a new record! She needs to live closer!!
2. Thomas has screamed, and screamed, and cried and cried.
3. Gracie has pulled every toy in her room out
4. Gracie has made many, many Light Brite creations. I need to find more of those black papers to go in it. Anyone seen them anywhere?
5. We are almost out of milk
6. I started putting some stuff in boxes, but not much as I only seem to have one usable hand these days.
7. I finally got a shower yesterday
8. My 6 week appointment was Tuesday and things seem to be healing well (although I still have pain and apparently that is "normal." Easy for her to say, she doesn't have the pain!)
9. Garren got a sinus infection and has had massive headaches.
10. But before he got the headaches he took Gracie to the laundry mat and got our clothes caught up. Ever since my surgery he has taken over the laundry since I am not supposed to lift or do stairs. It has been very nice to be off laundry duty.
11. We watched Peter Pan for a Wednesday family movie night since we missed last Friday.
13. And, I still haven't talked to Candice!
14. I got maybe 6 hours of broken sleep each night.
15. Oh, and Thomas spit up down my shirt--he's got good aim!
And you thought our lives were exciting! ;)
Yup...you are indeed a slacker!! Just kidding. Dealing with a crying baby is a good reason not to be emailing and calling. Thanks for providing us free birth control! I'll continue to be a mother to the canine and caprine species.