Carrot Day

Today the kids at school did carrot races. Apparently it involved a real carrot.
You would think they would have had carrots for snack, but they had cheese and crackers instead. Gracie has also mentioned some new spring songs, but she can never remember them.
I know I haven't been good at keeping up with blogging about her school days (or anything at all really). This month they are taking about spring, and they are getting jobs. Grandma and I heard all about how she was the paper towel girl on Friday. Different kids got jobs today and you can tell just how important and grown up it makes them feel.
Graduation is just around the corner, and I got her school pictures back as well. Also this month they will be taking a field trip to tour the elementary school. Oh, and the sunflowers they planted a few weeks ago are really growing. I have no idea where I am going to put hers, but we will figure it out.
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