7 Kids In The Bed, And Little One Said...

I am thrilled to announce that we (Garren & I) made it through the night with 7 kids total in our home.
It was interesting to say the least, but plenty of fun.
Uncle Brian, Aunt Dawn, Isaac, Sue-Anna, Mariah, Matthew, and Mark all arrived in Strasburg around 6pm--just in time for a cooked out dinner.
Garren had hamburgers on the grill, and while my mother warned me these kids could eat, I was still astonished at how fast.
Lets see, 6 kids with teeth, plus 4 adults, equals 10 people to feed--and we went through 16 quarter pound cheeseburgers in less than an hour!
Actually, it was a lot of fun having my new nieces and nephews at our new home for the first time. Gracie was so excited I am not sure she found time to breathe. They bounced from the backyard to the playroom and everywhere in between.
You might think that with that many kids it would be chaotic, but my sister in law not only keeps her brood in check, she has raised them to be the most polite and well mannered children you could ever meet.
After dinner Aunt Barbara spoiled them a little and let them make their own ice cream sundaes. Then we had family movie night (Night At The Museum, thanks Mozingo's for letting us borrow it), while the kids took turns in the 2 showers.
I think the cutest part of the night has to be Gracie, who insisted on sleeping in her sleeping bag on the floor, eating up all the attention by her two girl "cousits." Mariah helped Gracie brush her teeth and get her nightgown on (even though she is perfectly capable herself, somehow she wanted help ;) and then read her a story before they finally snuggled down to bed.
Mommy and Daddy got a little thank you this morning and when Thomas fussed the three girls got him out of his crib, changed his diaper and entertained him all while I slept on! You could tell how proud they were and his little grin said it all.
Having family here and being able to share our home left Garren and I both with such a warm feeling. Not to mention how wonderful it feels that this family was willing to pack up all their kids and sleeping bags and such and drive 4 hours just to see our baby boy get baptized. We are so blessed.
And, we truley hope they will come back and visit again!

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