Pre Fourth Fireworks

Imagine how excited I got when I found out that Lynchburg was having fireworks tonight! Actually, I think poor Grandma didn't mean to even mention them...but she was a trooper and decided to go with Gracie, Thomas and I.
Gracie hadn't taken a nap, and hadn't slept much last night, but fireworks are a rare event and I decided to take her anyway.
Surprisingly she was on her best behavior. She was clearly beyond exhausted, but she was good.
We didn't go to Liberty (the fireworks and all day fun were one of their events) until around 8pm so the kids wouldn't have to wait long.
We set up our blanket and chairs and Grandma and GRacie entertained themselves with those glow sticks. MOm had found a kit where you make them into a ball or lantern. Thomas and I played tickle monster and cute baby. He was in an awesome mood!
It got dark pretty quickly and we all snuggled down on the blanket. I was prepared to pick up Thomas and hold him, but my little pyro just watched in amazement. He didn't even flinch and he never took his eyes off the sky!
After the fireworks was the hard part: waiting in the car and trying like the other thousand people to get out of the parking lot and back home.
By 11pm we were back at Grandma's and my two little sleepyheads barely made it in to their respective beds.
Sounds like fun! Gracie better get used to life without a nap. Those days will soon be over. I wish I could still have naptime everyday!