You've gotta love Ms. Ruth (both my kids do!!). She came up with another fun idea for the kids at church. Well, her church circle sponsored it--but we gave her full credit.

Kids Bingo night was tonight, and it was supposed to be a mom's night out affair; but if you know me, you know I don't drop my babies and go anywhere. And, I am glad I stuck around--it has been a long time since Gracie and I have had one on one time. Plus, I totally didn't think about the fact she doesn't know all the numbers from 1-100. Of course there were plenty of wonderful people there, but mommy helped with the numbers and the cheering.

The kids were served a great dinner and my bottomless pit ate a hot dog, mac n cheese, apple slices, grapes and chips. This is before I let her get in to the bowls of M& M's the ladies had put on the table for the kids to snack on (there are some downsides to having mommy there.)

After dinner things were going well, until game after game Gracie would come up short. We would have another pep talk and I would remind her to be a good sport and that there were lots of prizes left and I was sure she would get a chance to win.

She kept trying and trying and eventually she was the only child who hadn't won at least one prize. So, all of the kids and adults started cheering for her. She got bashful, but loved this! As luck would have it all of the cheering helped, because she got the next Bingo. Everyone cheered so loud, and she was so excited to pick her prize (a magnetic stuffy with make your own bead kid.)

They broke up the games with some out door time and a craft, but Gracie would go on to win 2 more times, making her a winner 3 times in a row! She got very nice prizes as well as more sugar. In addition to the M & M's that I was having a hard time keeping track of, she got cake, red cool aid, and a red popscicle.

Bingo night was a huge success and Gracie really had a blast. And, Mommy had so much fun too. I really got to dote on Gracie and I got a break from baby duty. And, of course it was just neat to watch all of the wonderful ladies and kids from church interact.

I took tons of pictures and besides the ones that are posted here, you can see more in the church Picasa folder. Start here.

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