Long Day Of Church Fun

Gracie and I started out this very warm Saturday at 8:30am getting ready for Bible School. When we arrived, I volunteered to help if I could since Garren had Thomas.
I figured they would have me help with lunch or projects or even with Gracie's group--but since other volunteers didn't show, I got my own group!
It took me by surprise, but having been a camp counselor, baby sitter, preschool helper, etc--I managed just fine ;) My kids were ages 7 & 8 with a few 9's thrown in. And, let me say, I thought 5 was tough! Although, I think it has a lot to do with kids being in large numbers that seems to bring the "sugar" out.
We had a fun day, and I missed seeing everything Gracie did, but I saw her at lunch and in passing her group a few times and you could tell she was tired but having a great time.

Our church does a one day Bible School (proably since we are so small), so we finished the day at 3pm.
Of course my plan was for her to get a short nap before we headed to the Town Park for the church picnic--but you can imagine how that went!
I got everyone ready, and we were all too cute in navy shorts and white tops (you know how much I love to coordinate our outfits), and we were ready to head out when a HUGE thunderstorm came through town.

There was supposed to be a pool party afterwards for the church members, but with the rain it looked unlikely. Luckily for the kids the rain stopped for a while, and Garren rushed Gracie to the water so she could get some time in. Unfortunately in the rush I didn't get a picture of our family dressed so cute! But, Gracie got a little while in the pool before it started to pour again.
Thomas and I hung out at the pavilion with other church members, because I knew it was going to storm again, and there was no sense in getting him out just to have to come back.
Gracie was obviously bummed about her lack of swimming time, but I think getting doted on by Mrs. Ruth and tons of other people helped.
By the time we headed home it was late, we were water logged and exhausted!
I have put my pictures in the church folder (start here) , but I don't have very many of Gracie since she was in a different group. I am hoping the others who snapped pictures today will share.
Oh, and on a side note, if you notice the 2 picture down, at the close of Bible School Reverend Ed called all the kids up to explain and do communion. I tried to get pictures of Gracie doing this, but with so many kids, I didn't get the best shots. Now, Garren and I both agree that Gracie is too young for Communion. We think she should know what she is taking part in before she participates. I was brought up to not take Communion until I went through Confirmation class around age 11 or so. But, now the water is muddy so to speak, so we will have to revisit the idea. But, it was very special to watch her participate and she was thrilled that she got to do it. It made her feel so grown up.
No one is to young to take Communion. That is totally Catholic thinking, not Methodist. Just talk to her every so often about what it means, but you should let her take it even if she doesn't understand.