The Tooth Fairy Visits

When Gracie finally wound down enough last night she put her very first tooth under the pillow.

While mommy didn't have time to make a special pillow for the tooth, she did have time to make a very nice sign welcoming the very busy fairy to our home.

When Gracie woke up this morning (at 7:15am!!!) she bounded in to our room to show what she found under her pillow. The tooth fairy had taken her tooth and left a shiny gold dollar in its place.

Gracie was thrilled with her special gift and has shown it to everyone, even Thomas. She has coveted the coin, and quite frankly it is hilarious to watch as she treats it like the most valuable thing in the world. Too cute!

The coin is in a special place in her room, and I don't think it will be long before the fairy visits again. I thought there was one more loose tooth--but apparently she has 2 more VERY loose teeth. So mommy better get started on that pillow.

Thank you to so many of you who left comments and sweet replies. She feels so special and loved. It may seem silly to many of you, but here we celebrate everything Gracie, and now everything Thomas!

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2 Responses to "The Tooth Fairy Visits"

  1. Aunt Sharon3:48 PM

    Wow...Gracie!!! A gold dollar...You must have a very cool tooth fairy!!!!

  2. mamaw5:47 PM

    Congratulations on the tooth fairy visit Gracie! It is so exciting to lose your very first tooth. You are growing up so fast. Mamaw and Papaw miss you and Thomas so much. We love you and are very proud of you. You're still our favorite grand daughter!


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