Brought To Tears

I am I having an emotional couple of months or what!!
Gracie came home from school today, and as usual she washed her hands (mommy's rule!) while I went through the papers in her backpack.
I sorted through the usual 2-3 letters home about various things from the school in general, and then I found some completed school work, and even a beautifully drawn picture.
It was the last page that got me for some reason.
There was this white paper where she had written all of her upper and lower case letters. There were no erase marks and I couldn't hold back my pride--or my beaming smile--or a few tears of joy.
I asked Gracie if she did this on her own, or if the teacher asked her. She said they were each given a paper and told to write them.
I knew they were having PALS testing this week and next, and this was likely something that was included.
I knew she knew her letters and how to write them. She even knows her letter sounds and many words by sight, or sounding them out. But, there was something about having them all written together on that paper that made me so proud.
I was proud of her, and I was proud of myself for helping her learn all of those letters. I know she is learning a ton in school, but I really feel like I had a hand in this one. We have worked on so many things over the past 3 years and I am so proud of how smart she is.
And to brag a little more, Gracie and I have been working on time (top of the hours, and half past the hour), as well as addition with 0's and 1's. She has caught on so quickly. And she continues to astound me in reading. She knows so many words now!
I am including a video below of a pumpkin book that she made as part of her missed work from last week. The teacher told me to point to the words as I read it to her. She could do most of the words herself, so I just let her read it. This is the second time she read it as she was too nervous the first time for me to video it. But, she got very little help the first time around as well.
Way to go Gracie! I really enjoyed hearing your story! I will listen to it again tonight - you will be reading ME a bedtime story :)
ReplyDeleteThank you.