Look Who Has More Teeth!

Thomas is up to a total of 5 teeth now, with #6 still trying to push through.
He got 2 teeth a while back and they are big and sharp on the bottom. And then, last week 4 teeth started to show through his top gum. Yep--4! That was the way Gracie got her teeth, 4 at a time. So, the tradition continues.
He tries (and mostly) succeeds at chewing on everything in sight, so don't hold out your fingers to him!
Enlarge the picture and you can see all 5. This is the best picture I have since he won't open his mouth usually without sticking out his tongue (when I get the camera anyway). He is getting used to feeling them on his tongue...and when he bites in to anything and everything.
Thomas, I see turkey in your future! Love you so much!