Monday's Child
A high school friend of mine had her baby girl this morning. And, I thought back and remembered the day my children were born. I do that...when I hear someone else say their infant was born. Weird maybe--but those days are just so special to me and I can't help but think about my babies and be filled with happiness for a friend or family member when their time has come.
Her new baby got me to thinking that Thomas was also born on a Monday. And that got me to thinking about the poem.
So, I thought I would post the poem, and I thought it would be neat to see what days your child was born on, and if you can tell yet if the poem is true.
Her new baby got me to thinking that Thomas was also born on a Monday. And that got me to thinking about the poem.
So, I thought I would post the poem, and I thought it would be neat to see what days your child was born on, and if you can tell yet if the poem is true.
Mondays child is fair of face,
Monday babies:
Thomas, Emma M., Luke. E., Baby P.
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Tuesday babies:
Mason L., Matthew D., Stella W., Elliott K., Issac D., Luke M., Sue-Anna D., Taylor S.,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Wednesday babies:
Claire M., Tyler S., Ethan E., Ella R., William P., Mark D. Braylee M., Jonas S.
Thursdays child has far to go,
Thursday babies:
D.J & Ryan W., Casey W., Maddie D., Nina P., Ella & Logan G.,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Friday babies:
Gracie, Jaxon D., Van S., Mason S., Carrington S., Riley G.,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
Saturday babies:
Sara L., Bryson M., Samuel B., Emily G.
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Sunday babies:
Laura P., Alana H., Mariah H.,
My Thomas is a beautiful little boy, so his is true (but I might be a little biased). And Gracie, born on a Friday, is one of the most giving and loving children I know--so I think I am two for two!
Weird things I found as I added the babies I know: 3 of 5 of Dawn's (my sister in law) children were born on a Tuesday. All of Heather's (my other sister in law) children were born on a Thursday. 3 of 5 of the Schwartz children were born on a Friday. 2 of 3 of Nannette's kids were born on a Saturday. Both sets of twins I know were born on Thursday's. And Tuesdays and Wednesday's seem to have the most births (with 8), while Sunday has the fewest (3). Weird huh?!
Monday babies:
Thomas, Emma M., Luke. E., Baby P.
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Tuesday babies:
Mason L., Matthew D., Stella W., Elliott K., Issac D., Luke M., Sue-Anna D., Taylor S.,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Wednesday babies:
Claire M., Tyler S., Ethan E., Ella R., William P., Mark D. Braylee M., Jonas S.
Thursdays child has far to go,
Thursday babies:
D.J & Ryan W., Casey W., Maddie D., Nina P., Ella & Logan G.,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Friday babies:
Gracie, Jaxon D., Van S., Mason S., Carrington S., Riley G.,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
Sara L., Bryson M., Samuel B., Emily G.
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Sunday babies:
Laura P., Alana H., Mariah H.,
My Thomas is a beautiful little boy, so his is true (but I might be a little biased). And Gracie, born on a Friday, is one of the most giving and loving children I know--so I think I am two for two!
Weird things I found as I added the babies I know: 3 of 5 of Dawn's (my sister in law) children were born on a Tuesday. All of Heather's (my other sister in law) children were born on a Thursday. 3 of 5 of the Schwartz children were born on a Friday. 2 of 3 of Nannette's kids were born on a Saturday. Both sets of twins I know were born on Thursday's. And Tuesdays and Wednesday's seem to have the most births (with 8), while Sunday has the fewest (3). Weird huh?!
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