Thomas' Paper Debut

Gracie is "old hat" at being in Daddy's paper. She has been photographed for stories, our home has been photographed, our pumpkins have been photographed. But, for Thomas, this was his first appearance.
For the past 2 years Gracie has been featured in an ad for the paper's annual Holiday Book Drive, and this year Thomas got his turn to be included.
They ask the employees for pictures of their kids reading books, and even though Gracie had the Swine Flu at the time the email came out--I could NOT pass up this yearly opportunity.
I took the worlds' fastest photos (so she couldn't cough on him), and submitted this adorable one of Gracie reading to her baby brother.
The ad was in the Northern Virginia Daily today, and should run again tomorrow.
I just had to share. And you can click the picture to make it larger.