Who Me?!

Now, this is not COMPLETELY his fault, as mommy was frantically trying to make a cake for tomorrow's Christmas party at the church, and missed some icing that dripped on the floor.
While I was cleaning up another puddle of colored icing off the floor (I am messy in the kitchen), Gracie screams "he is getting the icing!!!"

He looked like a little boy trying to look innocent and thinking that whatever he had done was far worth the punishment.
Of course I got the camera before I cleaned him up.
Wipes didn't do the trick, so he headed straight for the bath,
He seemed quite pleased with himself.
As for mommy...she learned Thomas too breaks out from food coloring as his whole mouth was full of red splotches just like Gracie's after her first birthday party. And, all of the icing on my cake (that took hours to pipe and make) slid off the cake and on to the counter.
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