18 Month Check Up (A Little Early)

I wanted to get Thomas in to see the pediatrician before we move and have to quickly find a new doctor. He will be 18 months on August 9th, so really it isn't that early.
We were in and out in about 20 minutes, which was good since he only took momentary pauses between the screaming.
Now, if you thought Thomas was pitiful, you should have seen Gracie!
Usually, I can work it out where Gracie is in school, or Daddy is home for her, but I was desperate to get him in before the end of the month, and got what I could. So, Gracie had to go with me since it is a Richmond dad for daddy.
The poor thing. She sat still and tried to comfort him. Of course, nothing would work. Every once in a while why trying to bounce and soothe him I would look over and she was almost literally wringing her 6 year old hands. I would hear her say "I am just so worried about him." I spent more time trying to comfort big sister.
She took Lambie with her, and she kept reassuring her stuffed lamb that Thomas was okay. I think she was trying to convince herself.
The nurse was so impressed that she took Gracie and let her pick out 2 stickers for being such a brave big sister!
Thomas got some stickers too, but he couldn't have cared less, he wanted out of there!
My little boy is still average, and below average, and I know he is growing along the same curve, but it just worries me. I am used to nurturing a giant, and now I have this tiny little thing. My tough giant could have taken out several toddlers her own age, and now I find myself braced for impact whenever he is around other kids!
He falls in the 50th percentile for height, and just below for weight. His big ole head isn't even that big. It is in the 50-75th range.
The pediatrician says he is fine, and I know she is right.
I have had some concerns about his speech. Not that he can't talk, but that he doesn't. I don't think there is anything wrong with his ability to make words, he just has so few. But again, Gracie was talking up a storm by his age.
We try so hard as parents not to compare our children, but in reality, Gracie is all I know, so it is only inevitable be unnerved when the second child isn't at the same place.
Of course why should he talk? Gracie never stops talking long enough to let him get a word in, and we are constantly at his beckoned call and grunt. Who needs to say words when you have 3 people (and most of the time more) tripping over themselves to serve your every need?! :)
The long and the short is: he is fine in speech too. Kids his age should have around 6 words. We have that covered, so we will keep plugging along.
And, I have some time to find a new doctor for the kids. He doesn't need more shots until 6 months from now.
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