A New House For Us

from email sent to family & friends 7/18/10

***NOTE: the original email listed our current and new address, for obvious reasons I will not add these to the blog. If you did not get, or misplaced your copies, let me know and I will be happy to send you our new mailing address. You can email me at lovemybabygracie@yahoo.com since I am sure our Shentel address will expire soon after we move. We will be sure to share our new email address as soon as possible. **

Dear friends and family:

I will call it "home" when my family is safely nestled inside and I have gone through the 6-7 boxes of tissues it will take after saying good bye to the many people we love here in Strasburg.

We got an extra month, and I am very grateful for that time, but August is getting closer and it will be time to start a new adventure.

After a very stressful process, we have found a house that will meet our needs in Mechanicsville, VA. This will be our first "house", a structure that shares no walls!! We are only renting the house, but it has a back and front yard (another very first for us!!), a deck/patio...and did I mention we won't share a single wall with any one?!!

I am giving up my beautiful and spacious kitchen, and the kids will lose their large playroom, but we will gain the yard, and thankfully lose one of the sets of stairs! A two level home will be a welcome change to this three level daily workout. The kids rooms will be larger, and the previous owners/renters started a vegetable patch, so those are positives. We won't have a guest room any longer, but hope that people will still visit us!!!

While I know that Gracie will make new friends, and maybe the rest of us too, the transition will likely be bumpy, as it would for anyone. Gracie will attend Mechanicsville Elementary School, which is one of 10 schools in this city. Yep, it is a city--long gone will be my simple town life--but Garren is thrilled to be able to drive 5 minutes to just about anything he wants/needs. And, not having to drive the kids 15-20 miles to the nearest Walmart kind of has its perks ;)

We hope you will pray for us as we try to pack up our old life and unload it in a much smaller space without breaking any treasures...or nerves!

We will adjust, and I will stop being a drama queen...eventually ;) In the meantime, please keep in touch. I have sent out a request to parents of Gracie's preschool and Kindergarten friends to send letters and cards and pictures to help her not feel so alone and sad. Our poor 6 year old is having a very hard time adjusting to the situation. She has her moments when she is excited about a new room and a yard, but the other 23 hours of the day are spent with her moping or out of sorts. She can't really explain why she feels the way she does, and we are doing our very best to help her cope. And while it may seem silly to you, or you may think it is as simple as telling her she will make new friends; this is the only place she has ever known, and she is a very shy and emotional little girl (wonder where she gets that from?!!). So, if you feel inspired to give her some comfort, give her a hug the next time you see her, or send her a card at her new house, or here at the old one before we move. I know we would all like to know we won't be forgotten...not that we plan to let you :)

We wish you all a great rest of the summer, and if you are ever in the Richmond area, please stop by and visit! You can run around our yard, or yell really loud and no one will hear you!! :)

Much Love,
Barbara, Garren, Gracie & Thomas Shipley

****A NOTE TO OUR STRASBURG "FAMILY": Garren and I will be here until everything is loaded and cleaned up, so we will be around until July 31st. The kids will be here through the 27th at least. They will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa while Garren and I do the heavy lifting. Our last church service as a family will be Sunday, July 25th, and Gracie will be attending Bible School this coming week. ****

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7 Responses to "A New House For Us"

  1. Mickey & Kay Evans10:57 AM

    Barbara, what a beautiful letter!!! We are certainly going to miss you all!!! I do understand how hard this is... I moved around so much as a kid.
    It has been such a joy for us to watch your family. and I do hope that from time to time you will visit. We will pray for all to go well with each of you.... Keep in touch as you can... With Christian love, Kay and Mickey Evans

  2. Mrs. Nancy10:57 AM

    I'm sure you will have everyhing under control for the actual move, and your "house" will soon become a "home" - one filled with love and laughter. We will certainly miss you, but I'm sure you will settle into a new church with new friends and playmates. Who can resist your beautiful kids with their warm and charming smiles? A yard is a definite plus and the kids will grow to love that quickly. Just remember that children heal much faster than we older people.

    I will make a definite point of sending some cards.

    Love, Nancy B.

  3. Barbara:

    Thanks for keeping me updated. God bless you guys. Garren has been afforded a great opportunity and I’m sure you guys will adjust well.

    Best wishes

  4. Sara H.10:58 AM

    I'm sure everything will go well - though it will be a tough transition for all of you. I'm glad you found a house.

  5. Shannon C. M.10:58 AM

    Best of luck and much love barb!!

  6. Aunt Sharon10:58 AM

    I've never had to move from one city to another so I won't even tell you I understand. However, I will tell you that you and your sweet family will be in my prayers. You and Garren are doing a wonderful job with your family and I am very proud of you both! We will pray and trust that God will lead you to another wonderful church family and that you can always remain close to your current church. Isn't it wonderful how he seems to send us the special people just when we need them most?? Hang in there and let me know if there is anything I can do to help!! Again, I will pray!!

    Love you all!!

  7. I wish you all the luck in the world in your new house. I know you will make it a beautiful place to call home!


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