There IS Such A Thing As "Magic"

Mommy: "That tomato plant is growing more tomatoes than I can keep up with!"
Gracie: "Maybe it is a magic tomato plant!"
Mommy: "No, that's how tomato plants work, they keep producing the vegetable even after you pick them"
Gracie: "Maybe it is a magic plant and it will keep on growing and growing and growing!"
Mommy: "Nah, it will stop around fall. Vegetable plants mostly start in the spring when we plant them and then go until it is too cool for them anymore, usually fall"
Gracie (who is in that phase where she not only knows everything, can't lose an argument or conversation) "It is a magic plant mommy."
Mommy: "You know, you are right, it is the magic of God's plan. He made the plants to grow food for us to eat. It is a lot like magic and it is also a gift."
[Silence from Gracie. And, not because I "stumped" her, but because she got it.]
Gracie: "Yeah!"
Oh, that's just sooooooooo sweet!