How Much More Independance Can Mommy Take?

She got new school shoes (yep, I flaked and didn't get the, before school!), she got a prize for getting all 5's (behavior) since the first day of school...oh, and she didn't need mommy.
Okay, that's a little dramatic, but Gracie was eager to show me she could walk to our house from the bus stop all by herself today.
Last week mommy walked her to the bus stop at the bottom of the hill each morning, and Thomas and I picked her up each afternoon.
Now, I am still walking her in the mornings, but today I waited quite impatiently for her to get off the bus and walk up to the porch where Thomas and I were waiting for her.
I can see the bus and the bus stop from the porch and it is just one house down, but still!
She proudly walked up the road staying all the way to the side, and then walked up the driveway where Thomas was shouting even more impatiently for her. She waved at us and I caught the whole thing on video. Why? It's a big deal--of course!
I love this picture. I took several after I quickly switched the camera from video mode. This one better illustrates not only the afternoon, but the constant state of Gracie--mouth open and words spilling out like rushing water!
Now, as if walking home weren't a big enough show of independence, she gets asked to go and play with the other neighborhood kids a little while later.
Everything in me wants to say "no!" But, I can't do that to her. I also can't take Thomas out. Not only is he cranky, but the other kids are playing in the front of the house in the street.
I go over the rules with Gracie...
"Don't go into anyone's house."
"If there is a car, you move immediately to the side no matter what you are doing!"
"I want to be able to see you at all times."
"Don't play in someone's yard without permission."
I think that was all the rules I somewhat shouted at her. And, I am pretty sure it made her nervous, because she said she changed her mind and wanted to stay inside. But, only minutes later another kid was knocking on the door and waiting for her.
She excitedly went out and I heard and saw several trips up our driveway to the large outdoor container that holds the kids outside toys.
Now most moms would go off and fix dinner or clean or something--but I was so distracted!!! I did put Thomas down for a second nap (he still hasn't recovered from yesterdays trip with no nap!), and I hovered at the front door.
I watched her and the other kids play with her bubbles, and her balls, and Thomas' golf set for almost an hour.
There was another mom out there. The kids Gracie was playing with, were mostly the ones she keeps after school, mixed with a few other neighborhood kids from the bus.
I know that playing with other kids is a good thing, and we live in a neighborhood now and I need to chill out (or so Garren tells me), but times aren't like when he and I were kids (like I keep telling him) there are so many new dangers!
So, I guess this will have to be a happy compromise, because I can't go out with her and keep Thomas safe, and I can not just entrust anyone to keep my child safe (yes, I know I don't let anyone watch/keep her even family...). So for now hovering at the door will have to do.
I guess it beats the hovering I usually do....just a matter of inches from either of them.
Gracie, I'm glad you found more friends to play with. It sounds like you had a fun time! You are learning and growing up more and more each day. Keep up the good work! Grandpa and I love you! Oh, you will always be MY girl! :) See you soon!