Thomas' First Story Time

"Story time" is an understatement to say the least! It was more of what I would call a "mommy & me play time."
Mommy loved it!
Thomas...well, he decided to be bashful, but as soon as it was nearly over, he was good to go.
I told you we got library cards and I saw that there was a story time for very small children. I took Gracie to story times when she was younger, but she was more preschool aged and the library offered just one a week and for mixed ages at the time.
She would have loved this!
We had to wait outside the library doors when we arrived. Apparently it doesn't open until 10am, when the story time is scheduled. I was in awe of the crowd of children and their parents or grandparents. I was glad it wouldn't just be a super small group--and thrilled it wouldn't be 60+ like when I took Gracie.
We went inside an enclosed room in the children's section of the library. They asked us to put a name tag on our little ones. We mom's starting placing bets as to how long they would actually remain on the children.
Then, we sat on a very colorful alphabet rug.
Thomas went super bashful when the library lady started to give out directions.
The program lasted about 30 minutes.
Clearly several of the kids were returning participants. This was the first session for the fall season. They opened with a hello song, and then went to each child and sang a "name" song and we did a motion with the child's name.

We went on to sing several familiar songs and nursery rhymes with hand motions. All of the kids were on their mommies laps and it was just so neat to watch.
After several sitting songs we stood up and walked in a circle to do "Pop Goes The Weasel." Now, I was sure he would get into this since it is his favorite (thanks to Gracie). You could tell he was thinking about smiling, but we had gotten up and were doing something different, so again he refused to participate.
We ended the session with a story. He did actually get out of my lap and sit beside me for the story.
The library leader then brought out board books for the kids to look at and a few toys that are from the room.
He perked up a little at this point and liked cleaning up the pile of books and then later handing them to other kids.
I think if we go week after week he will really get into it and enjoy it a great deal.
I let him play with the interactive things in the children's section and then scooped him up to go and get some lunch!
What a very fun, and very rewarding program. I wanted something like this so badly when Gracie was small--but we didn't have any mommy & me type things in our area. I am so glad that I am getting to do this with Thomas.
Thomas, I'm glad you took Mama to story time at the library.It sounds like you had a good time. I'm sure you and Mama will like it more and more each time you go. Have a fun day! Grandpa and Grandma love you! See you soon!