A True Beach Boy

At 19 months Thomas got his first taste of the sand and the waves.
{We had taken Gracie at age 6 months, something else to add to the guilt pile!}
Since we live so much closer to the shore now, it seemed like we would be able to just pack up and go to the beachfront any time we would want, for a day trip.
Have you ever attempted a day trip to the beach with kids?
Call me if you ever even think about it! ;)
By the time we got the kids in the car, the stuff in the car, and made many stops along the way--we didn't arrive at the ocean until noon.
We weren't in a hurry, and actually spirits were good despite the cold that Gracie had developed Friday evening, which pushed the trip forward that was planned for yesterday.
We found a spot somewhere in the middle of TONS of beach goers. I guess the warm weather and beautiful day had everyone hoping for one last good weekend at the shore.

Garren carried Thomas to the water and I hurried to catch up with the camera making sure I caught his first reactions on video.
He smiled a lot, and seemed very interested in all of the sights and sounds.
He even liked the waves washing over his bare feet--the first time. After that, he was over it and totted back to the sand and the space we had captured.
It took several more visits to the water line, and mommy holding him before he was okay with the water.

Mommy sat for an hour or more with her little beach baby in her lap cheering as the water would rush over our legs.
He would get so excited when we got soaked, and so very disappointed when a wave wouldn't quite each us.
It was such a hot day, and the sun was really bearing down on our SPF 50'd exposed skin. So much so, that we actually didn't notice the 75 degree water temperatures. In fact, they felt refreshing. That is until we would leave the water for long enough to dry off.
We only stayed there on the sand for about 3.5 hours, but with the water, and the excitement, and the unbelievably hot sun--it seemed more like all day.
I had no idea how exhausted I would be, but when mommy tried to extend our day a little and maybe do a few more activities, I realized all too quickly that it was a bad idea--and the car was many, many blocks away!

Daddy has decided that the next time we visit it will be for an over night trip, to avoid stretching ourselves too thin, and so the kids can rest and relax when they need to.
It was long over due, but our little boy's first trip to the ocean was a memorable one. And since he loved it so much, he was very upset when we carried him away from the waves--shivering, I might add!
Of course, he was asleep before we left 17th street on the ride back.
**Before my camera died during our day--yep died!--I got some pictures, but not as many as I would have liked to. Gracie, our little "chicken" stayed glued to her daddy any time she was in the water, and I couldn't snap pictures of Thomas playing in the water, or her either, and try and keep up with him at the same time, so I am really lacking I am afraid. I guess this is one of the times I will have to rely on the very vivid and warm memories I have of his water experience. **
You know where you can stay :) Also, if you go north of 45th street parking is free - when you can find it - and there are usually fewer people. (however, there are no lifeguards and no bathrooms)