23 Months

This is the last month of counting "months" instead of years--and I celebrated by putting him in to costumes that were too small.

Well, I figured they were and I wanted at least a picture of him in the THREE I forgot I had, and that he never wore.

And to be honest, at the time I didn't realize it was the 9th--so these are the only pictures I have of the day--and they aren't good.

I will have to post a better picture of 23 months this coming week.

With Gracie, time seemed to fly by--but I have to admit, I often think puzzled--he is only 23 months? He isn't two yet?

Not because he is "so far advanced," but because I feel like I have been chasing him for at least 5 years now!

Seriously though, I do forget how "young" he really is. Maybe my expectations are too high--because as you can see--he is in fact, not even two yet.

So at 23 months, besides running me ragged, he...

has a small piece of white tooth that pushed through where his 3 year old molars are supposed to be.

everything still goes in his mouth (the constant tooth pain he has is probably to blame for that)

he can jump

he can throw a ball (and many other things)

he can get in a chair by himself (which is hilarious to watch--he kind of lays over it, then looks like a beached whale as he scoots his belly until he gets far enough on the chair, sofa, etc to pull himself up. I have ti video it one day!)

he can help get himself dressed, but putting his arms in the sleeves, and pulling up his pants

he still charms you!

he babbles and babbles, but very few new words have emerged.

he will say "yep" and nod his head hard when you ask him something that he wants. He is also more adamant with the "no!" Which is more like "nooooo" as she shakes his head and strings it out.

still a picky eater, but I am finding that if he sits in the chair without his booster, he will eat more. He doesn't like to be restrained (which we have known for a VERY long time), and the booster seat is something that doesn't allow him to move or shift or get down and up by himself.

he runs from pictures. And I don't mean just professional ones (I don't have a Penney's picture or a Santa picture of both my children thanks to his "difficulty!"), he loves to run when mommy pulls the camera out--and laugh! He will hold still for a second with a big grin, and just before I can click the button--he is off and laughing. This is so amazingly frustrating, and sad that I don't have many pictures of him over the past few months!

(I am attempting to focus on the positive here--so I will leave the majority of the things he can do off of the list :)

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