Pajama Day

According to Miss. Anderson the other first grade teachers opted not to make it up since it was after Christmas. But, I am so thankful that Gracie's teacher didn't take it away from her students.
I can't tell you how upset she was that she missed it before school let out for Christmas. The kids were out the two days before scheduled thanks to the snow. She was fine with the one day--then she realized her party and pajama day would be canceled as well.
Gracie proudly wore her new snowman pajamas, I had bought her just for the occasion, to the bus stop this morning.
When she came home this afternoon she was excited and telling me all about the fun she had.
They got to watch the movie and have hot chocolate (most of which was stained on her pajamas ;) They made marshmallow snowman treats and exchanged stockings.

Gracie dumped her loot on the sofa and was not pleased to find so much candy! Of course she got fun pencils and someone else picked straws too--they were the Santa kind. There were also fun erasers and a notepad.
Sadly, I don't think there was 16 different items in her stocking--but Gracie didn't care. I am noticing that this school tends to ask for a lot more than the old school, but at the same time, the parents here don't volunteer, donate, and help anywhere near as much as Sandy Hook parents.
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