Happy Birthday Chewey

So, we are a little late--but he is stuffed and I doubt he noticed ;)

Chewey's first birthday was actually January 1st, but things were a little busy around here, so we had to postpone his party.

Okay, well I forgot about the idea. I thought it would be fun to give him a party when I realized that he and Thomas became best friends in January--but life and chaos made the idea fall right out of my brain.
Since Gracie was out of school today for the holiday--I thought "what a great way to occupy the kids!"

Now if you know me well...okay at all...you know I go way to overboard with things.

I did tone it down and just bought decorations from the Dollar Store, but I wanted to make a cake or cupcakes, and after searching the web for puppy ideas, I found the perfect cupcakes!

There isn't much to share, except Thomas wasn't happy with Chewey having a hat on his head. In fact--he hated that part. But, Chewey didn't seem to mind. I think he had a good birthday, and party.

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5 Responses to "Happy Birthday Chewey"

  1. Candice9:44 PM

    Happy Birthday Chewey! The cupcakes are adorable.

    Oh, by the way, how old is Lambie? How many parties has she had?

  2. This is the cutest idea. I love it! You should open up some kind of party shop....you do a wonderful job!!

  3. Grandma and Grandpa12:34 PM

    Happy Birthday Chewey!

  4. Grandma and Grandpa12:37 PM

    Do you have any pictures with Thomas and Chewey together at the party?
    We would love to see them.

  5. Aunt Ruth10:15 PM

    This whole thing is so darn cute!


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