A New Low

Gracie hit a new "low" in sibling jealousy today.

Thomas stepped on something I expressly told him not to step on (and that I was currently working with!), and got a small cut on the bottom of his foot.

I wouldn't have worried over it, but it was bleeding a little and I didn't want it all over my rug and sofa, and I wanted to keep it from getting infected. So, I asked Gracie to go upstairs and get me the box of band aids so I could hold him still. She comes back downstairs with the boy box (Cars) and the girl box (Princess) or band aids and insists on having one too.

She isn't kidding folks! I tell her that she doesn't need a band aid (doesn't work, she wants one anyway). I ask her where she is going to put it (she names several places). She pulls one out and opens it while I am tending to Thomas. I see her about to stick it to her arm (and try not to loose my cool). I tell her it will hurt when she pulls it off. So, she sticks it on her foot just like where Thomas has his!

I am so over the jealousy phase with her! She has had almost 2 years to adapt to not being the only child, and to not being the "baby."

Her antics are exhausting.

As if I weren't frazzled enough from Thomas on a daily basis, Gracie adds in baby talk, whining, complaining if he has something she doesn't, picking at him, taking things from him--generally being a jealous bully.

I know we had this wonderful period when he was born and it lasted longer than most sibling "love," but Gracie has been over it for a while.

If he has juice, she has to have juice; if he gets a snack, she has to have a snack; if he has a new toy or book she will make sure she gets to read or play with it (first if she can manage it!).

I have tried talking to her, I have tried boosting her by telling her what a big deal it is to be 6, we have threatened to treat her like a baby and all that entails. Nothing is working!

I know it is a phase and it will all work out--but it is VERY FRUSTRATING! I feel like I am the mom to TWO babies.

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3 Responses to "A New Low"

  1. Cheryl4:07 PM

    For some strange reason kids just seem to have this thing for band aids. When Heather needed one so did Garren and when Garren had to have one, Heather did too. You're right; the jealousy phase will pass; just try to hang in there and ignore it when you can. You're doing a great job with your babies!

  2. OK, who are we trying to kid here?
    The jealousy phase NEVER PASSES! You're on your own with this one - Good Luck ! ;)

  3. Candice6:51 PM

    Give her the bink!! Ha! I'm clueless, but I know how to treat a baby. So, just send her my way. I'll treat my daughter and Gracie the same way. Too bad that I have your baby bathtub, or you could fill it up and tell her she must take a bath in it! LOL


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