The Flu Strikes

We noticed she was fevered yesterday afternoon, and she didn't sleep last night, so we kept her home from school.
I figured she was getting the cold that her father and I are currently suffering through. But, when her fever spiked to 103 I knew it was more.
I had the pediatrician's office squeeze us in before they closed at 5pm. I was assuming it was another ear infection.
But the nurse, who took one look at my sick baby, knew otherwise.
She told me she looked very sick and she wanted to test her for the flu.
I didn't think anything of it until she mentioned that it was running rampant around Mechanicsville.
I had noticed the mass amounts of kids and parents in the waiting room, and I noticed the handmade construction paper "envelope" stapled to the wall labeled in marker "flu swabs."
As we waited the doctor came in and checked her ears and said they were fine.
Moments later she returned to tell us Gracie's flu test was positive.
She went on to say that this version of the flu is lasting 3-4 days and to make her comfortable. Tamiflu wasn't really necessary since I am a stay at home mom, but she did write out a preventive prescription for Thomas. But, we decided against it. We are keeping her quarintined in her room and keeping him far away.
Garren has put the extra TV in her room, and the DVD player too. She has stacks of girl movies and plenty of "special drink" (Dt. Sierra Mist).
She is being plenty pampered and taken care of while she recovers. As if you were worried ;)
I pray that she gets over it quickly and that no one else in your house gets it. It's hitting hard here too. I'm praying that the "peak" is over prior to my returning to the classroom. With 12 kids out of fourth grade yesterday, hopefully it will have "run its course" by the time I go back.
ReplyDeleteWhere have I been? I feel so bad that I didn't realize she was so sick. I sure hope she's feeling better and that no one else comes down with it. Man, I'm such a lame Aunt!!!