First Grade Easter Egg Hunt

What a busy week we've have had--and are still having! Whew!
Well, Gracie has two exciting days back to back in First Grade. Today is the egg hunt and party, tomorrow is her field day.
I figured that Garren wouls have an easier time working from home tomorrow morning for field day, so I chose to take Thomas with me today for her egg hunt and party.
Well, I am not sure who had more fun: Gracie or Thomas!
We arrived with our treats and Gracie's special lunch (from Chick-Fil-A) early, and the sign on the door said they were at recess.
I figured by the time we walked to the playground they would be lining up to come back inside, so we wandered slowly to find sister bear. Well, when the class saw Thomas they all got excited. They took turns holding his hands and helping him on the playground equipment. The took turns yelling at other big kids to look out for the "baby." And then they argued about who got to push him down the slide.
Lets just say he was having a grand ole time! Well,m until playtime was over. I had to carry him fighting me off the playground, but then he grabbed GRacie's hand and walked back to the classroom. Each time the teacher would stop to make sure everyone was in line, he would find a differnt child's hand closer to the beginning of the line.
When we got to the room the kids ate. And then they took turns feeding Thomas. Well, he had Chick-Fil-A, but Hannah had chips--and he LOVES chips. So, he traded her a fry for a chip. Well, this was fun and now all of the kids are shoving their lunch items in his face to see if he would take them. (It was like he was the class dog!)
Anyway, he gets tired of this game and goes over and sits in Hannah's lap (she has the chips!). I pull the camera out and she squeals "cheese" Well, now here is another fun game. The kids start crowding in to see who can get in a picture with Thomas.

As you can imagine--Thomas is lo9ving First Grade.
Finally it is time for the egg hunt. He lines up, and I am not sure whose hand he has at this point, but the kids start running for the hill and he follows them.
He has a good time until he realizes there are eggs non the group. Ooops!
Well, after several conversations of "those eggs are for the big kids" he gets kind of bored and half way chases the kbig kids for a while.

Now, these intllegent 7 year old were having the hardest time with this egg hunt. Each child needed to find 17 eggs with their individual number on it (Gracie is #16, and there were 17 eggs with #16 written in black sharpie)
Sounds easy right?
Nah! I lost track of how long we were out there. We parents started calling out numbers as we saw the eggs, and when that didn't work we started picking them up and making large piles and the kids would follow the piles and try to find their numbered eggs inside.
I was glad when we found all we could and came back in.
Thomas was very exhausted and very hot by this time. It was well after his nap time, and I hated to leave before the treats, but he kept trying to escape the classroom saying"go!"
So, we said our apologies and kissed Gracie goodbye and headed home for nap time.
It was a long and very egg-citing couple of hours for big sister, little brother, and mommy too!
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