First Grade Field Day

In Kindergarten they went to different stations of PE like activities as a class.
Well, in First Grade they got snow cones and jumped in inflatables and had a hot air balloon!
Besides the lack of resemblance to a field day--it was so chaotic!
When I arrived the entire school was sitting in the parking lot listening to leaders talk to them, and then they saw the principal go up in the hot air balloon, and then grades 3-5 went back inside and left k-2 outside for their hours at field day.
I found Gracie's class and then we moved to a bouncy house. The next thing I hear is "okay grab your partner and go."
Gracie, her best friend Lilly, and Hannah grab me and we are off.
Um, apparently all the kids from k-2 can go anywhere they want for the next 3 hours!!
I am trying to wrap my brain about what is going on while these three girls are shouting where they want to go. I felt like I suddenly had 3 kids at an amusement park!

Things settled down after the first 4 games, and I just was along for the ride, and to act as a mediator and camera man, and stuff holder.
I did my job rather well.
I am not sure how much physical endurance they actually achieved, with the exception of the inflatable bounce houses, but hey, I am just a mom.
Those 3 hours seemed like they dragged on forever, but after the second snow cone those in charge started rounding kids up and telling them to fins their teachers. The teachers by the way were manning the games/stations while all of this was going on!

I had brought Gracie Subway for lunch, but couldn't stay to eat with her since Garren was waiting to go to work.
She was upset since the teacher announced that they would take their lunches out for a picnic.
After the picnic they would watch the movie "The Trumpet of the Swan" which is the book all of the kids and their parents had been reading over the past 2 months.
I gave her a hot kiss goodbye, and told her I would see her after school.
I have decided that if I am this tired from these two days, I can only imagine how Miss. Anderson must be feeling.
It sounds like fun! Yeah, teachers' days go by really fast. We rarely sit down, and there's ALWAYS something to do. Each day is different!