Tiny Reminder

My child wouldn't take a picture with the Easter Bunny,so once again I paid $20 for the privilege of a stress-filled 5 minutes attempting to coax a toddler to sit on a giant bunny lap, and in the end getting yet another holiday photo with just one child.
After the bunny melt down, I had to deal with another melt down and 2 tantrums before we left the mall.
So, feeling very much unhappy with my toddler, and not so thrilled with my "I want" 7 year old, Grandma insisted that I go out and do some thrift shopping today while she had them. I fought a headache and found little.
That was until I went back out to drop things off at the Goodwill (that I forgot to do earlier) and I decided to go inside and walk around.
After a few moments I found two perfect pairs of tiny shoes.
They reminded me of something out of the Elves And The Shoemaker.
They were silver and small and perfect. One set of baby boy shoes, the other very neatly buckled Mary Janes.
They were a reminder of my daughter and my son. How small their feet are now, and how short this time is that I have with them at this age and size.
You've got to love it when God sends you a message on your worst days and at a time when you are so stressed and overwhelmed that you throw aside what you already knew to begin with.
I will always treasure these tiny little shoes--just like I will always treasure these fleeting moments of childhood, no matter how hard, or how busy, or how overwhelming they are.
I try so hard to treasure every moment. I must remind myself on those nights when she fights sleep so hard or is restless all night, that I will want these days back. I think of the Trace Adkins song, "You're Gonna Miss This," and I know that I will. I can't even listen to that Cinderalla song!!