
I doubt many moms are as thrilled as I am that he knows his colors. Well, that he can match colors anyway. He can say a few like "blue, green & yellow."

So, why would I be extra excited--other than I am a proud mama and I am constantly worrying about his communication and learning skills? Well, it means he isn't color blind. Garren can give you the percentage chance Thomas had of getting that gene from my father (he's smart like that), but it was always a thought in the back of our heads. Color blind people function just fine in society. My father's lack of social "functionality" has nothing to do with the fact he can't tell red and green apart. ;)

Thomas was gaining interest in colors and said "blue" the other day while holding up a blue crayon--I was so excited I squealed...and posted it on Facebook :) So, I thought I might make him an activity so he could learn all of his colors.

Now, I did things like this for Gracie all of the time, but I had to re-think how I was going to teach Thomas. He clearly doesn't learn like she did, and since she knew all of her colors before she was 2, I had to find a rudamentry way of teaching him. And, it couldn't be girly.

So, I came up with fish! I made fishing poles with colored worms hanging from them. Then, I cut out fish to match the colored worms. Now, in a perfect world I would have used magnets to have the fish attach to the worm. Unfortunately none of the magnets I had were strong enough, so I attached a paper clip to the back of each fish and we clip it to the worm. (well, I clip it, it is a little hard for him).

Imagine my excitement when after more than an hour of cutting and laminating and taping and designing--he ran to the "fish pond" and did them all right the first time!

I don't credit my son's intellect enough. He is a very smart boy, but with his difficulty communicating (and his boy lack of holding still!) it is hard to see.

I did video him doing this game, but because I had to attach the fish and hold the camera--well, it isn't pretty! I will have to find another way to show you how well my child can do his colors!

Just so you know, Gracie says she taught him blue and red. And, she probably did.

2 Responses to "Colors!"

  1. Grandma and Grandpa6:07 PM

    Way to go Thomas! I'm sure you will know every color there is, in no time! Don't worry, I'm sure there will be other skills (traits) you will learn from Grandpa :) We love you!

  2. Candice12:18 PM

    Yay! Good work, Thomas!! I bet you are just such a busy little boy that you don't want to sit down long enough to learn colors and all that good stuff. I'm sure you are learning lots just exploring the world around you.


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