Tooth Drama #8
Someone else got to deal with the tooth drama this time--well, lots of someones.
Gracie's very loose tooth decided to make it's dramatic exit at lunch today at school.
Gracie told me it came out after a bite of spaghetti. Thankfully I hadn't eaten recently, because that information was less than easy on my stomach. (If you hadn't already guessed, I don't handle teeth and snot easily. They are my mommy-cryptonite!)
I asked her if she grossed her little friends out at the table, but she said "no, they kept saying can I see it Gracie?!!" Figures!
The lunch lady apparently sent her to the nurse to get it all taken care of. Where is that nurse when I need her?!
Anyway, Gracie bounded proudly off the bus this afternoon with her little fist tightly around her tooth necklace.
I can't remember how I lost my teeth (probably blocked from my memory from the trauma), but we sure didn't get such a cool thing to carry it home from school in! Seriously, isn't that the neatest thing?
Gracie didn't take but a minute before she opened the tooth up to show me her bloody baby tooth inside. I faked a smile, and told her that the tooth fairy could have the tooth, but not the awesome necklace-we should hold on to that.
I later learned that she attempted to show Miss. Anderson her tooth after lunch, but much like me she doesn't care for the gory tooth details and was less than pleased to hear the tale.
Gracie's very loose tooth decided to make it's dramatic exit at lunch today at school.
Gracie told me it came out after a bite of spaghetti. Thankfully I hadn't eaten recently, because that information was less than easy on my stomach. (If you hadn't already guessed, I don't handle teeth and snot easily. They are my mommy-cryptonite!)
I asked her if she grossed her little friends out at the table, but she said "no, they kept saying can I see it Gracie?!!" Figures!
The lunch lady apparently sent her to the nurse to get it all taken care of. Where is that nurse when I need her?!
Anyway, Gracie bounded proudly off the bus this afternoon with her little fist tightly around her tooth necklace.
I can't remember how I lost my teeth (probably blocked from my memory from the trauma), but we sure didn't get such a cool thing to carry it home from school in! Seriously, isn't that the neatest thing?
Gracie didn't take but a minute before she opened the tooth up to show me her bloody baby tooth inside. I faked a smile, and told her that the tooth fairy could have the tooth, but not the awesome necklace-we should hold on to that.
I later learned that she attempted to show Miss. Anderson her tooth after lunch, but much like me she doesn't care for the gory tooth details and was less than pleased to hear the tale.
Wow Gracie, you are doing a super job at getting your "big girl" teeth in, and your "baby teeth" out! We can hardly wait to see you again! We love you!!
ReplyDeleteEwwwww! I cannot get excited for kids when they pull teeth. I MUST learn how to fake this excitement when my daughter loses her teeth. I can handle anything better than teeth! I don't even allow my students to wiggle their teeth in my room. "My classroom is NOT a dentist office. The tooth fairy doe NOT live here. Take care of that when you go home please!!" Honestly, I think most teachers are like me.