Full Closet, Full Heart

A full Gracie closet makes my heart fell good, and I sure could use some of that this weekend.

Not only does her closet being full and neat mean that the laundry is put away (and I cleaned it up!), but I love to see the long tightly packed row of colorful pretty girly dresses.

Hey, it's my thing.

I hate the end of seasons when I have to go through her closet and pull out things I know she will never get to wear again. This is one of the HARDEST parts of being a mom. It is like physical proof that this time is over and you aren't going to get it back.

So, how can I smile?

Well, Garren got the box down from the attic that had all of her spring/summer clothes in it. I am so proud of myself for shopping ahead. I love to find dresses, and as Gracie got older finding them in her size got more and more difficult--so, I started thinking smarter and I would buy a dress I loved even if it was too big. And, boy am I glad I did. Look at all of these colors and happiness we get to choose from!

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1 Response to "Full Closet, Full Heart"

  1. Candice1:28 PM

    I cry every single time I pack away clothes Jolee has outgrown. However, I LOVE pretty dresses and hair bows!! Oh the joys of of little girls!!!


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