The Peculiar Mr. Shipley

While I try to be even, I know I focus on Gracie when it comes to this blog, so I thought a good post about how Thomas is doing would be a good thing.
Well, he's still...Thomas
At age 2.5, his vocabulary is growing, but still very limited. While I like to get excited about new words, his two newest aren't exactly my favorites. Maybe because they are all I hear from my father. Thomas' new vocabulary consists almost solely of "yep" and "nope." Add in a very strong southern drawl for both.
He still doesn't eat well. He practically doesn't eat at all. He lives off of all things liquid. Seriously, the child will drink anything and everything. His health doesn't seem to be impeded by his vary sparse diet. I think mostly because I have found a sneaky and awesome way to get good food in. Sesame Street has these veggies/fruit juices that has all of those good things in them hidden by cute little packages with Big Bird, Elmo and Cookie Monster. Love them!
He doesn't like to be dirty! And I add the exclamation point because it is not a sometimes kind of thing--he does NOT like to be dirty, messy, or otherwise soiled. The picture above speaks a thousand words. He wanted to play outside, but found his feet messy with the grass clippings from where daddy mowed the weekend before. I had to go and get him a towel. He freaked out and held his feet up saying desperately "messy! messy!" Now, once he is cleaned up, he will go back to whatever it was he was doing. And, that isn't limited to being wiped off. If his shirt or pants are dirty or damp he will start yanking them off. There is no persuading him. He would rather run around naked than be messy.
Still a big "nope" on the potty train ride. He can use the potty, he just doesn't want to anymore. So, I think it is time to be a little more firm. We have just let him go back to diapers so as not to push him, but I think we need to up the ante.
He is still small...but growing. I have started to notice that his 24 months clothes are fitting more snug and are a little short. In fact, Sunday I went through 3 pairs of dress pants before I found one that fit. He outgrew the 18 months and the 24 months. He fits well in 2T. I am hoping that he will go into 3T when he hits 3, but we will wait and see. I have stopped buying 2T clothes--mostly because he has a ton and I would rather invest in the next size.
But, as I said he is growing. He went up a 1/2 shoe size and had to get new ones right before Gracie started school.
Other Thomas loves: cars, trucks, fire trucks, get the idea. Calliou!! Calliou!! Fireman Sam, Super Why (yeah, I have no idea, but he freaks out when this comes on), the book the Very Hungry Caterpillar (is read nearly every night), Biscuit (the dog) books, his chalkboard, and of course Chewey!! (and blankie and binky--nope, we aren't off the bink yet :(
Academically he knows all of his colors, his ABC's and now we are working on numbers and shapes. He can count to 10, but I am working on recognizing the numbers on paper.
So, there in a rather small nutshell is my little boy. Not much has changed about him. His personality shines through more every day and little by little his words are emerging, but he is still WAY below where he should be verbally.
He seems to just be a peculiar little man with his adorable quirks. We will take him just the way he is.
Thomas, you are perfect just the way you are!!! You are such a handsome little boy, and it's awesome that you want to be so clean!