Back To School Night

Second Grade seems to be going pretty well for Gracie and her classmates, and the teacher seems to think so too.
Gracie, Thomas and I all went with Gracie to get a better look at her classroom and meet her friends and teacher. Of course we met Mrs. Hayden at "Meet Your Teacher Night" before school started, but it was rushed and chaotic. Tonight she got to tell us about the class and rules and what she expects.
Thankfully for Thomas, daddy came about 5 minutes into it and took him home. He was already squirmy and it was quite a lengthy talk.
Gracie went off to play with her friends and the toys while I sat in her small, uncomfortable school chair.
I was pleasantly surprised to see many parents there tonight. Last year there was a total of FOUR of us parents at the event. It is good to see more parents wanting to be involved this year (and yes, I know that just because you aren't there for an event doesn't mean you aren't involved--but it makes a statement).
Oh, and Gracie was right--Mrs. Hayden will be their teacher for 2nd and 3rd grade. I forgot what they called it: loop teaching? Anyway, they already do it with 4th and 5th graders, and now they are starting it with 2nd & 3rd. They will have the same teacher and the same classmates again next year. I have to admit I am kind of stumped as to why this is beneficial--but we will go with it.

Yes, it's called looping. There have been many studies proving that it is very beneficial. I think I would LOVE it if I were keeping a good group of kids for two years in a row, but there are some school years that I really just can't wait to send them on to the next teacher! It's great for the kids because when they return to class next year, they already know and understand the teacher's rules, consequences, and procedures.