Gum Drop The Elf: Day 1

By: Gracie

meet Gum Drop the adoruble elf.Today he was on the top of the sink.Thats were he was anyway.yester day he was bot (bought) .and thats todays advendtur .

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2 Responses to "Gum Drop The Elf: Day 1"

  1. Candice10:04 PM

    Hummm...too bad you can't teach Gum Drop to do dishes!!!

  2. What fun you are having with your elf on the shelf - we don't have one, but after reading so many fun posts, I think we may get one =-) I am your newest follower! I'd love for you to follow me back =-) I also wanted to invite you to link up at my TGIF Linky Party
    Beth =-)


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